Sell Designer Handbags
Diamond American Gold Buyers is the best way to sell used designer handbags and luggage. We pay cash for gently-used designer handbags from Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Balenciaga, Chanel, Gucci, Prada, and other luxury fashion brands. We are also now buying Coach, Michael Kors, Mark Jacobs and others.
If you bring in any boxes or dusters for the bags you get even more money.
Please call us to see if we will buy your bag
Does Diamond American Gold Buyers buy all pre-owned designer handbags?
Diamond American Gold Buyers mainly purchase only high-end designer luggage and handbags from sought-after luxury brands, such as Hermes, Nancy Gonzalez, Gucci, Chanel, Goyard, and others. In addition, these designer bags must be in gently-used or like-new condition—although exceptions are sometimes made for rare vintage handbags and designer luggage.
Handbag Trade-Ins Accepted
If you are interested in getting a new replacement handbag, we do accept trade-ins. Please visit our store to view our entire inventory. We can guarantee that all of our designer handbags are 100 percent authentic. If you are not completely happy with your new bag and it does not meet your expectations, returns are accepted within 14 days with full refund.